February 13, 2008

whole holes holed up in woe

As I sit here thinking about how spiritually important music is...and how we must be careful with the music we subject ourselves to because that music helps create our self-talk...I realize how porous the Soul, Spirit, Self (or whatever you want to call it) is. There aren't just two openings (head and heart). It's like skin...to the naked eye, it looks solid, but when you get closer and if you use a microscope, you see holes and liquid and movement. Holes everywhere.

Holes everywhere.

I wonder if that's why scientists, etc. find black holes so fascinating. Even out in the big, expansive universe, there are...holes. Holes symbolize potential. They symbolize integration. They symbolize the Unknown.

If I look at a hole, I don't see a void. I don't see emptiness. I see something interacting with its surroundings in a different way. The inherent purpose of a hole is not to be filled up, but if you do...be careful. The hole has its own contributions and they must be respected.

So back to the porous Soul/Spirit/Self. I like to think of Life as Perfect Imperfection. (Imperfect Perfection is a different thing.) As I was washing apples this morning, I saw one with a soft, mushy spot. Maybe it had been dropped, but the way the spot was formed led me to believe a bug had probably been involved somehow. The Old Me considered throwing the apple out. Bugs in apples? Eeeew! But, the New Me said, "Uh, duh. Bugs belong in apples. They grow outdoors, for crying out loud." and we had a good laugh.

That apple was perfect. If I looked at it and chose to see something "wrong", that was not the apple's problem. Even with it's blemish and uneven coloring, it was perfect. Perfectly imperfect. And, I can honor that.

I can honor it in people, too. When I look at my holes, I try to understand them, not just make them go away. A hole is not necessarily a sign of absence. A blemish is not necessarily as sign of injury or wrongness. There is a whole (ha!) flipside to everything around us. How much time do we spend pondering the holes versus filling them up so that they disappear and look like everything else around them?


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