March 20, 2008

why calling it 'the Christian right' is wrong

Language is important. (Duh.) I recommend we take back the word "right."

If Christians and Republicans get to be "right", what are the rest of us? I know, I know. We get "left" or "middle" or "left of the left", but what the hell does that mean? No one knows.

But, we all know what it means to be "right." And, we all know that the opposite of "right" is not "left," but "wrong." I'll repeat myself: the opposite of "right" is "wrong."

Even a two-year-old can tell you that.

What is this language doing for us? I think the Repubs and Christians get the good end of the stick. It serves them well to be thought of as "right," but it's not helping anyone else, is it?

Personally, I don't call anyone "right" or "left," but I certainly get tired of reading it. It's crap. It's insidious. And, it must stop.

[plea]Let's boycott phrases like "religious right," "Christian right," and all the other terms that seem to have become synonymous with "Republican."[/plea]

If your language is faulty, how can your life improve?

March 17, 2008

Vernal Equinox on Thursday

Ostara is upon us!

I'm supposed to do something with a group of folks, but I have no idea what or when. I guess I should find out. LOL

I'm glad Summer is coming. I've no use for all this cold. *brrrrr*

I performed my first "serious" spell recently. That was exciting. I've been talking to a friend of mine about my issues and we agree I need more Earth in my life. Doing spells is a great Earth activity and I've always enjoyed candle magic to some degree, so I'm taking it farther.

I have issues with permanence and I'm not sure how much of that is my Scorpio and how much is just me (as if there's a difference, really), but I feel/know I need to work with the Earth element more. I am very Air and Water; there needs to be more balance. I used to be more Fire, but in the last couple of years, I've gotten away from that. Even at times when the use of Fire is "appropriate", I Air and Water myself away. It's not that I'm anti-Fire. I just happen to be hyper-aware in this area and I can recall many instances where I embraced Fire to the point of self-destruction. It's time to test my ability to use and contain Fire. I think working with Earth will help me with that.

I'm reading a fantastic book and I plan on using this space to go over my thoughts about it. (I have to write it down so I don't forget!)


March 10, 2008

science or astrology? let your genitalia decide.

This article is amusing. The clip is cute, but the replies offer way more entertainment than should probably be endured while eating pan-fried potatoes and onions.

As someone who loves astrology and has a passing tolerance for most scientists (I find what they do interesting, but many of the ones I've met seem rather narrow-minded and aren't the most logical people), the article gives me pause. Is that article truly asking if a belief in something is grounds for not dating someone? Truly?

It's a silly question. If you don't want to date someone who believes in astrology, don't. If you don't want to date someone who believes in shoes, don't do that, either. And, furthermore, if you don't want to date someone who believes in public displays of aggression, DO NOT DO IT. (The rest of the human population--currently represented by moi--thanks you. =)

One person's intolerance does not a valid argument for a thing's stupidity make. Or are they not teaching that in science classes? I've never heard of an astrologer asking whether or not s/he should date a scientist (and, IMO, that's a much more important question. see above article for at least one reason).

Personally, I find astrology just as fascinating as quantum physics. Well...maybe quantum physics is slightly more fascinating. My point is thus: People who understand that astrology is more complex than one's sun sign don't seem to generally feel the need to align themselves against science.

Perhaps Wired can publish an article by someone with more sense next time. I mean, this article could have been funnier if it wasn't so ridiculous.

Oh, wait. That's the scientist humour, isn't it? I keep forgetting that I have trouble understanding the humour of folks who love movies like Spaceballs.

March 8, 2008

letting go

There are very few things I have a difficult time releasing. I'm one of those naturally unattached people. It has occasionally been the reason for conflict with others, but I don't see the problem with it. (Must be more of that unattachment.)

There are some things, though, that annoy me and I can't seem to detach from the thoughts I have about them. For treadmill.

I bought my treadmill b/c I had wanted one for years and wanted to be able to walk whenever I felt like it w/o leaving my house. Two very good reasons, I think. And, I've used it plenty in the last year. Plenty. But, for some odd reason, I get pangs of guilt whenever I don't want to get up and workout on it every morning. Guilt leads to regret and regret has always seemed to me to be a pointless activity. Yet. Yet! I can't seem to release this particular mindfuck. (I don't know what else to call it. It's my self talk that's the problem. Not the treadmill or my life or my body, etc. Just my thoughts.)

If this thought process was about anything other than my treadmill, I'd say, "Self, get over it. If your body wants to do something your mind resists, give in to your body and see where that takes you." Why can't I do this? Why is this not so simple?

I have no idea.

I used to do it. I used to get out of bed every morning and walk/run on the treadmill whether I felt like it or not. After all, feelings are inconsequential. They fluctuate too much to base a life upon them. When I fight my productive thoughts, I generally feel anxious as a result. And, that's what's happening now, I suppose, b/c working out on the treadmill is a "good" thing. It's of benefit.

I just don't want to do it.

I decided to do the yoga and pilates instead. The treadmill called to me. I decided to stay in bed and lounge around instead. The treadmill called to me. I decided to get on here and blog about it instead. That damn treadmill won't shut up!

I'm just going to do it. *sigh* Obviously, the power the treadmill has over my heart is tremendous. As I type this, my mind is saying, "Yaaaaay!"


March 6, 2008

soooo...spirituality , right?

Last month, I was all set to do a Full Moon ritual and a friend needed to come over, so I didn't do it. That was poor time-management. Next time, I'll tell the friend, "No."

This month, I found out some local pagan friends are starting up a New Moon Dinner thing, so tomorrow, we'll be celebrating the New Moon with friends. Yay! I love potlucks (which is what this will be). I have very fond memories of potlucks at the masjid during Ramadan.

Today, as I was perusing the intraweb for numerology information, I found this page. My Life Path number is 40/4 and until that page, I had no idea the number 40 was so religiously important! I knew about Jesus and Moses, but I learned a lot from that page. I thought it odd that 11 had such a small blurb about it (and an obvious one at that: 11 comes between 10 and 12. Who knew?!), while the writer went on and on about 22 in numerology.

I find numerology interesting, but I do think that I take it more with a grain of salt than astrology. I'm not heavy into it (yet), but a friend of mine is and whenever she reads my numerology chart to me for future-reading purposes, I'm left feeling like she's off. Perhaps she doesn't have the language to interpret my chart for me? I don't know. But, over the weekend, she told me some things that didn't resonate at all. I have great intuition, so I just shrugged it off. Perhaps when I finish reading my two new tarot books and study my new deck and get started on my Grey School of Wizardry class and finish the papers for my college classes and get my youngest to tie her shoes and read Dick and Jane books...maybe then I'll be able to delve deeper into numerology.
