May 5, 2008

New Moon in Taurus

I love doing my New Moon rituals. Since they're monthly, they add another pulse to my daily life. In keeping up with the phases of the Moon, I really do feel more of the life I'm living.

For me, acknowledging the feminine this way is encouraging and peacemaking. I also acknowledge my shadow self when I reflect upon the Moon in all her glories. I love the reminder that the Moon provides: spend time in your shadow self, just don't get stuck there.

For a while, I would get so worried about what it meant for me to feel incredibly angry at people and the choices we make. I worried that I wasn't very Enlightened if I didn't stay in peaceful balance 24 hours of every day.

The Moon gives me good advice when she says, "Evolve, revolve, pass through all your phases. Stay in each phase as long as necessary, not longer. Don't fret if you don't feel you've stayed in a phase long'll come back to it soon enough. Enjoy, release what you have to release, and move on. That is Peace, too."

There is no "one twoo way" to Enlightenment. Especially for those of us more comfortable in the shadows.

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