March 20, 2008

why calling it 'the Christian right' is wrong

Language is important. (Duh.) I recommend we take back the word "right."

If Christians and Republicans get to be "right", what are the rest of us? I know, I know. We get "left" or "middle" or "left of the left", but what the hell does that mean? No one knows.

But, we all know what it means to be "right." And, we all know that the opposite of "right" is not "left," but "wrong." I'll repeat myself: the opposite of "right" is "wrong."

Even a two-year-old can tell you that.

What is this language doing for us? I think the Repubs and Christians get the good end of the stick. It serves them well to be thought of as "right," but it's not helping anyone else, is it?

Personally, I don't call anyone "right" or "left," but I certainly get tired of reading it. It's crap. It's insidious. And, it must stop.

[plea]Let's boycott phrases like "religious right," "Christian right," and all the other terms that seem to have become synonymous with "Republican."[/plea]

If your language is faulty, how can your life improve?

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