February 18, 2008

full moon and eclipse

So, on Wednesday, we'll have a full moon and lunar eclipse. Sounds fun! I'm not sure if I'll fast or not for this eclipse.

February is the time of the Storm Moon, so I suppose the kids and I will do a little something for that. (Some places say the Storm Moon isn't until March, though, and that Feb. has the Ice Moon. Who knows? *shrug*)

The lady at the local spiritual supply store called me today to let me know my World Spirit tarot deck is in. That's something to look forward to in my malaise. I'm feeling very "blah" today and my bed is calling out to me something fierce. She also has a copy of Portable Magic she'll be keeping for me, as I'm very interested in learning to use tarot decks for magic. I borrowed a friend's copy and it's good to just know all the extra information about the tarot, IMO.

I'm not really a "practicing magic" type chick, but I am definitely into obtaining information purely for the sake of doing so. I do know that I need to start being more physical with my practice, as I tend toward only doing energy work and since my energy is so often scattered (ha!), it's not been the most reliable way of getting things done.

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